Actually, the OP needs to get the 0-Ctrl as well, because With that stand to keep things organized-ish, getting the third device for the Make Noise "Cheapsel" and putting them all in one spot is an excellent opportunity and super-easy.

As for the Palette, though...that doesn't really click, particularly if you're shooting for drones, noises, and generative things. Around here, the common wisdom is that the best solution for a new modular build and new user is the Tiptop Mantis. 104 hp x 2, $335, with a seriously stonkin' power supply (3A on the +12!). Can't beat it with an ugly stick!

Couple of other points: first, you should probably aim for a more all-encompassing modular with the eye to making it capable of working with the 0-stuff. But at the same time, a fully-built-out modular can function as a "nexus" of processing, control, and sound generation for the "Cheapsel" as well as most anything that winds up in the studio. So it's not JUST an instrument. In fact, one of my installation works from c. 2000 uses my modular (Digisound 80) purely as a processing device.

Second, a build in a Mantis can be easily expanded. Tiptop has a set of connecting brackets that lets you put two of them together in an "over/under" configuration (see here: and that'll double your hp immediately. And 416 hp can hold a scary-powerful synth! Plus $335 beats $399, especially when you consider the additional space, the excellent power supply, and's just as portable as the Palette. Hell, Tiptop even offers a gig bag sized for the Mantis.

One last suggestion: you might also budget for a suitable controller. With a modular system, your best bet has got to be Arturia's Keystep Pro. I absolutely love mine; in tandem with some of the other sequencing hardware here, the KSP also fits that "nexus" definition.