he was trying to get out of Ukraine

Oh Happy Nerding is in Ukraine? Yikes... Well I hope they can get out, or at least stay safe.

I might just opt for a Pico DSP since I actually already have a Nin (also 3HP) but ran out of space due to another change of plans (because of Mutable Instruments ramping down production and me having a bit of a freak out and buying things I planned to get after a second case). Plus, the Pico is relatively inexpensive, and I can actually buy one! So it's got that going for it.

I'll probably still try to get the FX AID XL and/or another MFX, and worst case I own "too many" modules. I'm going to expand into a second case at some point, and it's not a big deal to switch around the rack and swap modules once in a while. Or sell some.

It is becoming difficult to tell if I am succumbing to eurocrack/GAS or if I'm being smart & strategic in buying modules aggressively because things are so hard to get. The lines are blurry.