Well, part of the problem is in the fact that there's something in the cab that shouldn't be: the DFAM. It already has a cab and its own power, so use that. Otherwise...well, your case costs $649, and it's got 168 hp in its 3U rows, which is what we'll be dealing with here. This is going to hurt a little...

649 / 168 = 3.86. This is the cost per hp for the case (barring the tile row, as it's not really germane to this).

Then, find the cost of 60 hp. 3.86 x 60 = 231.60

Now, a DFAM these days streets for $699. So 699 + 231.60 = 930.60

So, the DFAM, in this configuration, winds up actually costing over $900 if you leave it in here. So not only do monster-sized devices like this rob powered housing from modules that REALLY need it, it's not a very fiscally-sound idea, either.

And it's an impediment to revising builds as well. If you're looking at a case where over 1/3rd of the space is taken over by just one single device, you need to be thinking VERY carefully about how to use the remaining 3U space. Or if you just put that 60 hp chonk back where it belongs, you'll have opened up loads of space for MORE stuff that can integrate your system in with everything else. Same routine works with the other Moog 60-ers, and there IS a way to mount four of those in a big, curved master stand; see here:

Can't do that if the DFAM stays where it is...and you've got to admit, that curved 4-tier setup looks totally badass, sort of like a piece of TONTO that got left in the dryer too long!