This is my second recording with the classic Todd Barton Krell patch. Again, huge thanks and acknowledgement to JD Cramer for his most excellent recent tutorial series "Krellberg Variations" on YouTube.

This is a patch I got going that follows that series up to part nine (with some of my own twists). I have the primary Krell function coming out of Maths and driving VCAs for Brenso and DPO, and EOC driving Strum on Rings (2.5 krells) - lots of modulation of the oscillators and filters, and all in stereo. The Maths EOC is providing the click that advances the Stochastic Inspiration Generator which is feeding three different sets of 1v/o CV data to the three OSCs. I have another Krell function from Quadrax (making it 3.5) that is driving the VCA for Plaits running in Formant OSC mode. That EOC from the Qx Expander is advancing a sequence in Rene 2. Yes, I removed the S&H+Quantizers from the patch completely. Using sequencers to get pitch info I can exert more control over the notes but still retain some randomness, especially with SIG. Looking forward to more. Cheers!