1 x Ladik A-520
1 x MI Veils
1 x HN 2XSAM (http://www.happynerding.com/category/2xsam/)

If you want to use the Mantis live, consider a decksaver and a (2nd gen) bag.

Please keep in mind that some Ladik and Doepfer modules won't fit in the Mantis. The A-520 should not be a problem.
-- M01C

Hi there,

Yeah I already bought the Mantis decksaver along with the case last week so I'm ok there but I will be buying the bag too shortly once I have some actual modules. So far I only have the dedicated bass drum "Jomox Mod Bass 09 MK2" and a Behringer Brains module (so cheap but sounds fab)
I may end up going with euro rack drum modules once I know what I'm doing but for now I really would like to use my drum machines as it's fast hands on workflow is what I'm used to.

I'll check out those modules you mentions mate thanks again.
