Big thanks for the insights and advice!
One correction right off the bat… and I do apologize. 84hp or 114hp.
The 114 was from here… which is an option still to be honest =
100% = the Mantis is brilliant.

Regarding power… a MeanWell kit from ModularSynthLab… was at the top… but, looking at the Excalibus… may rethink. Even if I have to add a second for whatever reason.
I’m sold on the 1U row vs eating 3U HP. I may build for it now and add rails later for example when needed.
Rails are most likely coming from MDLR Case… I like their 3D printed bits… if they are still in stock.

I appreciate the insight on the modular manufacturing world. I knew they were all small… but didn’t fully realize it.
I see similar mentions in other posts. I do plan to build a few modules as I go and 100% put my money where it’s due… unless it’s second hand.

I’m using a pretty cheap 6 channel mixer right now… but I move things around and wanted a way to play this thing on my terrace for example. The HPO does look like an acceptable alternative.

The FX aid was one of the first things I added… I had no idea they are the same platform… didn’t research enough on this one. Price was another factor.. but…

Ergonomics was a topic I was just reading about… and I agree. It may have been one of you that wrote it.
Going to relook at the Picos and Knit… part of the fun.

Again, big thanks to both of you 😊