Okay...with this build, I tried to keep most of the sourcing for these within the EU, aside of the Intellijel stuff which should be easy enough to get over there. The build is in the very portable (DO get the gig bag!) Tiptop Mantis.
ModularGrid Rack
This is a very potent but simple system, and will not only serve for the January gig (and then some!), but also as a starter "core" for a larger system. Here's what's in there:

Top row: The A-119 is Doepfer's input preamp, also has an envelope follower for extracting dynamic info from the input signal, as well as a comparator that fires a gate when the input amplitude is over a level you set. Then the Erfurt/Odessa combo gives you a very complex but straightforward oscillator, in this case involving additive generation methods. The Erfurt is an interface for some internal Odessa functions, such as harmonic modulation. The Veils is for the audio path and has sufficient VCAs for the three Odessa outputs (fundamental, evens, odds) as well as the external input. Or you could just use the mixer on the VCF as well, as this G-Storm module has a 4-in mixer in addition to a lot of controls that want manual manipulation. That filter, btw, is a clone of the Syrinx filter, an impossible to find monosynth that filtered in formants, not merely just a basic cutoff. Then for a bunch of complex delay behavior, there's an Intellijel Rainmaker.

Bottom row: PWRchekr to keep an eye on your DC rail performance, then a CVable master clock from Noise Engineering. This is followed by your noise source and sample and hold. After that, there's a single-channel quantizer from Erica, which can be used along with the clock to turn LFO curves into (potentially microtonal!) quantized CV. Four LFOs are next (perfect for feeding to the quantizer), then Maths for your complex modulation source. This is followed by a Frap 321 for CV/modulation "abuse" and then a Happy Nerding 3xVCA for three channels of modulation amplitude control. After this, a Quadrax/Qx combo, then back to audio with Beads for granular tinkering. The mixer has another Veils before it to control your mixer amplitudes, then that mixer is a simple Doepfer mini stereo mixer. Lastly, there's a Happy Nerding OUT, which gives you a balanced stereo pair of 1/4" outputs, but which also has TWO stereo inputs...so, one would go from the mixer to the OUT, then if you wanted to fly either the Beads or Rainmaker over this in parallel, there's the second stereo pair. This also has your headphone preamp.

So, this is a complete system. I worked at making it simple enough for basic use while, at the same time, giving a lot of control for timbral manipulation via either the Odessa or the Gyrinx, or both. And you have a dedicated input here, so you can pipe external audio into the system and manipulate that in the same way as the oscillator, etc. And since this is mostly EU-sourced, it should be easy enough to get the modules locally in Paris, or some other shop in that general part of Europe might have anything they're missing.

EDIT: And one point I forgot to mention: with this being in a Mantis, when it's time to expand...just get another Mantis and the connection kit. Super-easy! At US$335, they're the best bargain in basic Eurorack cases right now.