thanks for all the ideas above guys!

An update, I recently ordered:
-- SSF Tryptich (3in1 box)
-- Xaoc Sarajewo (BBD)
-- Xaoc Minsk (M/S & stereo field)

I think these will be great adds for me for:
-- dirty up and manipulate the sound (SSF)
-- slick BBD (Sarajewo)
-- stereo and M/S manipulation, particularly interesting for combination with my AJH Wave Swarm for doing unison stack spread type setups

BTW the SSF box and Minsk are pretty new and I think worth a close look if you don't know it already. AND there is a big sale going on at Perfect Circuit with some very sharp prices.

I'll keep reviewing the notes above for other ideas. IMO getting a send/return loop set up for going to stomp boxes is probably my next priority.

Thanks everyone!!