I've got a few FX modules in synths...

The B.2600 has the digital reverb, although I've heard that there's some potential mods for the FX chip.
My AE system has several: phaser, mid-fi delay, two spring reverbs (with different tanks) and their take on the Spin FV-1.
The Digisound has their BBD-based reverb.
Then there's all of the various widgets that are part of the Field Kit and Field Kit FX.
The modular setup here also has its own 1/4" patchbay for routing and the like, but this also gives access to a Korg SDD3300 (triple delay line unit) and a Zoom 9120, plus four channels of Symetrix gates.

As for the rest of the FX...I ain't gonna type THAT out. There's about 100+ U of very filled processor racks here.