Ah...then, my apologies. But I should also note that there's very little news on this side of the pond on the Fenix IV...just a clip or two on YT with Felix, so this wasn't information I had on hand. Much of what I did hear over here, though, was along the lines of "never expect this to happen", so I was going on the info I've had to work with. It also doesn't help that we've also got some janky sorts over here claiming that they'll have the [INSERT SYNTH HERE] reissue out next [INSERT SPECULATIVE DATE]...yeah, looking at YOU, Polyfusion!

One suggestion: you might want to get a bit more presence on Gearsource (ie: the site formerly known as "Gearslutz") and get the info about the Fenix IV in front of more eyes. That would not only get the waiting list filled in a matter of minutes, but clarify some of the info floating around. Same goes for Muff Wiggler (if it's even still called that!).