Thread: Motherload 2

this is where modular synths get good!

i highly reccomend getting that 3 tier moog rack, and just starting out with the stuff you have there, and i have a reason for that:

people describe getting a new module feeling like its a entirly new synth. if you bought the modules you have setup on your rack, youll have room left to order more in the future.

if you just order everything at once, you wont have any more room for more modules. and eventually, you'll grow bored of it.

so order modules over time, not all at once.

as for price, its tough to find a good quailty piece of equiptment at a decent price. but ive been researching for months for the best prices, and the 2 cheapest brands of modules (while still having great quality) is EMW and ladik.

EMW has about everything you need. They are cheaply priced and offer good sounds, which is good if you're on a budget.

ladik is even cheaper than EMW, and also has good sound. I have the ladik VCO1 and it sounds pretty fantastic.
HOWEVER! Be note of this: the depth of ladik is huge, this isn't a good thing.

When I mean depth, I mean how far the module goes back. the ladik VCO1 and the filter bank I have are so close to touching the back of my rack, which is really annoying cause it blocks the patch for adding more modules. the only way to prevent that is to have a case that has more depth, which usually isnt too big a problem. heres a picture

You can usually check the depth of a module in the specs. In a module info page, it'll usually say "x mm depth"

basically, ladik is great because the most expensive module they have is $134. but they can take up some space, so make sure your case is big enough!

i know im giving you giant answers for small questions, but I know where your coming from and I want to help as much as possible.

hobbies include VSTi creation, sound design, 3-D design, photoshop, eurorack, and music production.