Hello Nick,
Thanks a lot for a very detailed reply. Im actually already eyeing up another case. To be honest i think i wanna get something like a 9u 208hp (which will be HUGE in comparison to what i have now). I have decides to post the first rig as a 2nd review to see if I have made any progress. I agree that it is still very light on utilities, i wanna get a slew limiter, lpg, a ladder filter, more vcas (obv) and more attenuating/verting options even though triplatt being really good is an extremely tiny module that can only do so much.

I picked the addac mixer because it fit my rig hp wise so im not fixed on it. I do have a massive issue with using my vca/attenuverter in a way thats auxillary to its main purpose which just handicaps me atm. Since also having a few stereo modules/outs I have been eyeing up a138s as well.

Sequencer wise I played around with black seq and I liked it. It felt like an elektron style seq that was more intuitive with a very simple layout. Anyways its much better than what i have now which is bloom (a nightmare to tune)

And regarding the layout.. whilst i was putting it together i pressed maximise hp button (or smth among those lines) and all my module just swapped around non sensically. I do generally follow the signal flow of ready/packaged synths.