@timmy373, I can't tell how this 2nd rack is different than your first rack. I pulled up your prior post (1st rack) and the rack there and here look the same.

A few comments on what's above presently:

-- I've heard good things about Erica Black Sequencer BUT it is not quite for me. I find sequencers very deep and personal in fit (e.g. down to personal workflow and control preferences) SO I would urge anyone looking for a sequencer to shop carefully, watch some videos, browse manuals, and really consider workflow preferences. Personally I'm a huge fan of Five12 Vector sequencer.

-- I own QPAS and like it as a choice for filter to use, but I probably wouldn't go with it as my main or only filter. If I had only one "power-filter" I would choose from Morgasmatron, Rossum Linneaus, or SSF Stereo Dipole. Again, a matter of personal preference. Just wanted to highlight that there may be better "workhorse" filter choices if you're only having one in your rig.

-- Scanning the rest of the rack, I think you have a lot of good picks there. PNW, Maths, Links, Kinks, Triplatt, Battumi -- hard to go wrong with those! The 3HP expander for Batumi is nice, if you have the 3HP to spare. Bifold is great.

-- I'm not sold on MiniMod and ADDAC703 for you in this setup, though I'm not super familiar with those modules. Instead of those what about: i) something like 4ms SISM or Tiptop MISO for attenuating / offsetting CV ii) a stereo mixer like one from Doepfer (A-138s) iii) more VCAs? I see your comment above you end up using triplatt / tangle quartet more as mixers -- just adding more VCAs could give you some of what you want plus flexibility plus CV control. Intellijel Quad VCA remains a fav of mine on that front. Food for thought.

-- my biggest response / question re: above is "where's the room for future growth?" Have you considered a bigger case? If you had the exact same modules above, but in a bigger case with say 30-50% room left open (but IRL covered with blank panels to avoid accidents), then I would think "that's a pretty reasonable set of modules, he can add a few more in a couple weeks / months after he has a better idea what's underrepresented in his rig." BUT if you're committed to this size case above, then IMO it warrants a bit more scrutiny (on module selection) to get the most fun and function out of that much HP.

-- A couple last comments: as a rack, it still seems relatively heavy on sound sources, and light on utilities. Again, if you had HP left over to add modules over time, no big deal. Layout is rather scattered, but you can update that any time; I would tend to group together voicing (OSC, filters, waveshapers), CV, utilities, fx, then last line out.

So those are a few of my personal reactions to the build above. Hope to see some other forum folks chime in here soon. Good luck!