I get your point JimHowell1970. Thank you both for the comments.
I already have a nord 2 for poly and the digitakt for drums, I just need another small box to have an analog mono voice and some sound mangling capabilities. A small case like nifty or intellijel already has some midi/audio ins/outs, that's part of the reason why I like them.
I delved into modular when I saw what Knobs, Ricky Tinez and Ihor were doing in only 62hp. That's what I'm into, I also have a ZOIA and never used the external cv.
I like modular because it's challenging to make it worth it and personal in a small footprint, the only thing that makes me question a small case now is the utilities necessary to make it work, as you pointed out to me. If it's very small I risk missing something essential, if it gets too big it defeats the purpose of being compact. If I had a big case I'd probably never end filling it up.
I think I'll go for a smaller filter compared to blades and add the utilities you recommended, but I'd like to keep Maths and Morphagene.