Have you considered the possibility of freeing up space UNDER the modular?

No, that's not a joke or a suggestion that you should try and defy physics. Instead, if you have some vertical space above the cab, and we're not talking about a Doepfer Monster Case rig, you could put the modular up a bit higher by using a suitable desk riser. This is something I'm currently playing with, to get some desktop space back from the AE system.

Check these out: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F0OQ8VG/?coliid=I2GROX26I4EP7U&colid=23QL83O2QNTDT&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Each platform can handle up to 65 lbs, and uses a stacking block system to vary the height from 2 1/4" to 4 3/4"...and that latter amount is only 1/2" under the space needed for a vertical 3U space. With something angled like a DFAM, you should wind up with a perfect fit for that unit at the base of the stand. And if one isn't big enough, it's not like these cost too much to afford getting a second.