I really have no idea where this epidemic of putting Moog skiff synths in Eurorack cabs is coming from. I'll bet anything that some knob on YouTube is showing EVERYONE how to...well, waste money and valuable cab space by jamming a synth that ALREADY has power and a case into another powered case so that you'll now have to factor THAT cost into what you paid for the DFAM, in addition to the space and power you'll now need to add 60 more hp of modules into the space that WAS there.

I'll explain: take the cost of the Eurorack case in question, then subtract about $120-ish for each tile row. This build uses a MDLR 14 x 126, which costs...yeezy!...$1700! This is gonna HURT...

So, removing the tile rows from the cost here, your 3U rows with power cost $1460. The cab has 504 hp in 3U, so the cost per hp here comes out to $2.90, more or less. Now, let's bring the PAIN...$2.90 x 60 = $174 + $649 = $823!!! Did you pay $823 for the DFAM before? Well, you are now!

Look...it's clear from the build as it is now that you're painting yourself into a corner with that DFAM in there. See all those tile frames? That's what desperation for 3U spaces looks like, in action. So...yeah, it gets WORSE, because each one of those adds $15 to whatever module you put in it. $75 more...cha-CHING!!! But then, take the DFAM out of the case, and you can put those modules that would go in the frames where they SHOULD be. That, plus the space cost for the DFAM, means you SAVE $249, which you can then spend elsewhere...like on more tiles, which puts MORE functionality into the tile rows as well. And once you put the framed modules where they belong, you STILL have another 40 hp of 3U space. And from the looks of things, you definitely need more utility in the tile rows, instead of mounting one single 4 hp module into 26 hp of tile row, which is ALSO a space-waster.

Yeah, I get it...presumptive "convenience" and all that...but when you really break down the cost, the space usage, and the denser modular space wasted, how is this "convenient", exactly? I know modular isn't exactly about that, but trying to force convenience, like in this instance, tends to result in more expense and worse results.