Hi Shakespeare,

It's good to hear you love the Erica Synths - Black Sequencer. When I was checking around after my first choice (as mentioned the Ground Control from Edorphin.es), my second choice would have been this Black Sequencer but both sequencers have been announced a long time ago and when I made my decision both still were not available.

So I bought the Erica Synths - Drum Sequencer, it's indeed even a slightly bit more direct than for example the Five12 (which doesn't mean the Five12 is not direct in usage). I am happy with it as well, pity though that just shortly after I bought the Drum Sequencer, the Black Sequencer became available :-)

Anyway, I am happy with the combination of the Drum Sequencer and Five12, not much left to wish for. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads