Thread: Tetra

NP - have you checked out the maths illustrated manual - even if it doesn't inspire you to buy a maths, it may inspire some patching of the quadrapol/Delta-v combo!

I just had another look -

again - kinks and a matrix mixer (AISynthesis do a reasonably priced, reasonably sized one) will massively expand your modulation capabilities for a reasonable price

I'd probably also want some more audio mixing options - I see a 2hp mix for submixing the drums and a unity for audio and the quadrapol/delta-v for cv, but it doesn't really seem to be enough - maybe a quad cascading vca such as veils or intellijel
-- JimHowell1970

Hello again,

I've never heard about that illustrated manual but I just found a document by Demonam and the format looks very interesting.

TBH, I don't know how Kinks or any other matrix mixer be useful.

I will check both thoroughly over the weekend.

OTAH, for submixing, I almost always used quadraPol but if I follow your suggestions and use quadraPol/Delta-V combo to make function generators, I may need another submixer at some point.

Thanks for the tips, gonna keep you updated.
