Nice! Did you use the Octatrack for the kick drums or the BIA?
-- sacguy71

I used the OT for the kick drum.
Currently I just have the 2 outputs on the modular setup, so those were running the left/right of the Manis + Clouds.
I plan to expand to have more outputs soon, but was mostly focused on seeing if I could evolve a sound by using the 0cht, the Zlob filter, the Manis, and Clouds.
It was fun to hear that come together.

Plus, adding the effects in Ableton as send effects added that little extra.
basically, I'm looking at a few pedals that I would like to buy: 1) a delay and 2) a reverb, but for now I figured I keep learning with what I have and pick up the pedals in the near future.

I was thinking about adding the patch as well in the future.
That way if people want to see how I hooked it all up, they could try it if they have the parts (or similar) modules.

Thanks for checking out the sounds.