Nice recommendations @Lugia, I'll check em out. Would those take euro voltages, or would I need to send and receive at line out level? 🤔
-- troux

I would strongly suggest getting some sort of balanced output module for your build. My faves for a while have been two different Happy Nerding ones...the 4hp Isolator and the 6hp OUT. The former is rather basic...just I/O and a stereo level control. But the second one is VERY nice if your case can handle the depth. The OUT offers metering, headphone out, stereo output level control, the same sort of I/O...but it ALSO has a second mixable stereo input, which makes it great for parallelling-in another FX process inside the synth, or you could simply have two separate global mixes and switch back and forth via the OUT. But you want one of those, and you'll want to run 1/4" TRS cables from the modular to the FMR since it also uses these.