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Darn it too late, well at least Detroit Modular has a good 30 day return policy for refund or store credit :-)
Product shipped right away after I pushed order button. Ok I will probably exchange the Polivoks for the dual VCF filter.
I can try it out first and see if it works for me. I ended up keeping the Intellijel Mixup for my new case as audio output mixer and kept the Malekko Quad Envelope module and added a Malekko Varigate 4+ for sequencer in case that lets me create presets with the envelope. I will need it once it arrives next week as the Doepfer A100 basic system came with only one EG.

So far really love the weird Malekko Dual Borg Filter that thing is pure mayhem. I can get anything from aircraft to birds chirping to deep bass or horror soundscapes with the features of that filter and the Richter Anti-Oscillator. They pair nicely with Batumi LFO. I am glad that I bought and added the extra 4 channel buffered mult as well as many stackable cables. I ended up using all of them this evening in some patch experiments!

I also want the Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO that thing is a work of art. It was my favorite next to MI Plaits from the VCV Rack software among oscillators. Initially wanted a Piston Honda MK3 but all sold out.

My next case will be much larger at least 4-500HP free. I love the larger modules but they require way more space. A Doepfer monster case or similar works for me. I think that I will need that larger space.

So MDLR or dark modular monster case works for me! Anyways limits are good. I pushed myself today to create cool stuff with one VCO, once filter, one EG and one LFO. I was at jams few years ago with guys who introduced me to modular and they had massive rigs for the show in that size because of the number of required utility modules and larger sized modules.