Hi there. There ist one thing that keeps disturbing me - the abundance of demo videos that tell you close to nothing about the module being demonstrated.

Scenario 1: "Demo Video": A module is being demonstrated but you cannot tell what it really does because the patch is so sonically dense or complicated you have no idea what said module is contributing. The module is not being switched in/out of the patch to give you an idea either.

Scenario 2: Modules of the same type are being compared, such as filters, delays, reverbs etc. That's a great idea as such; ideally all the modules you are listening to are in exactly the same situation, being fed the exact same input, sequence of notes, CV etc. In reality this is a rare exception, rendering the comparison close to useless.

Scenario 3: Inappropriate test signals. Have you ever listened to a demo of a reverb or echo trail being added to a sustained and possibly complex signal? That tells you nothing about the quality of the reverb tail because you have no chance of listening to it by itself. A short white noise burst would do the job. Likewise, a neutral sustained white noise input would reveal the character of a filter quite easily, in one fell sweep, if I may say so. I do not remember a single demo taking advantage of that fact.

Am I a cantankerous ill-tempered humorless wannabe wiggler who is all wrong?
Quite possible. Just saying. What's your experience? Discuss.