Thread: RNDSynth

standalone random melody boxes, that could simply send a midi-signal into my Model:Samples or Cycles, but such a thing does'nt exist.
-- jrs77

That statement is too incomplete, as it stands it sounds incorrect. What is random melodies for you ? The moment the notes are generated, the length of the notes, the pitch of the notes, the velocity, all of that combined ?
Pretty sure that between the Elektron stuff, the Pyramid and others, one could achieve a lot of randomness in MIDI sequences without requiring to use Eurorack tools. Hell, I didn't even need anything when I was trying to achieve random patterns on my Elektron machines, clever use of probability and conditional trigs did the trick, I was able to achieve never repeating patterns with little effort. Did you try that, why doesn't it work for you ?
You're going to need to explain better what you want to achieve, "random melody" is not enough, also if we are to recommend a Euro setup to achieve your goals.

--- Voltage control all the things ---