Thanks for the reply!

My plan is to try and make evolving chord soundscapes. (Eno meets Reich?)
Originally the Subharmonicon wasn’t in there but rather than buy a larger case later on I thought I’d put it in there.
Eventually I’ll replace it with VCOs, VCAs, envelopes and filters.

For the moment I thought of using Hermod to sequence the chordal modes in both Plaits and Rings occasionally (or use them as single voices) as the Subharmonicon can produce nice chords.
On reflection, I think you are right, and the 0-control would be better used for its touchplates/keyboard abilities (I currently use it for controlling PWM and cutoff on the Moog as well as sequencing the 0-Coast).

I’ve had a fair bit of experience with synths (hardware and VCV) but am fairly new to completely modular.
I’ve learnt a lot from my 0-Coast and would really love to expand my setup... and knowledge!

My plan is not to really go larger than this though, as I’ll be using a similar sized pedal board for outboard effects and I’d like it to be fairly portable.

Any suggestions or help would be really appreciated!