@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.

I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.

If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.

I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...
-- breakline

+1. it was all cool until i sent him the money, after that he disappeared.
@SteveLate you better pay us back

-- sdelimar

So, any updates on this?

-- maclittle

so its all good at the end. he sent me mine today, and breakline's stuff was already on the way from beginning of the week. he only kinda forgot to notify us about everything. but we cleared everything up