hi I built this rack with the goal of making a live techno, with the experience I was thinking of adding a distortion 308 or a Dusting mk4 and replace Rings by Honda Piston Mk3.
What do you think?

ModularGrid Rack


If live playing is your focus, I might suggest you think twice about the Disting (depending what you’re intentions are). While it’s great to have a Swiss Army knife in a small system, the Disting is the worst interface I’ve ever come across in eurorack, and you will always need a manual or cheat sheet out unless you just have one setting you love and set-and-forget. But if you if do set and forget, you’re more than likely to find a module that does that thing way better than the Disting.

Here’s my pitch for keeping it though: if you’re in a learning/growing phase and you’d like to have it to better understand different functions of modules, and also to have something which will make you realize “oooohhhh, if I had this kind of thing I could do X”, then maybe it’s a good thing to start with.

I say all this because I have one and this has been my journey with it.
