A requested upgrade for the "similar racks" feature: limit returned racks to one per user to increase relevance and variety of the returned racks.

I did a "search similar" this morning and the return set was the same rack over and over again...all from the same person:
* RackName
* RackName (copy)
* RackName (copy) (copy)
* RackName (copy) (copy) (copy)
* and so on

If the return set were limited to one rack per user, I would be able to see (more useful) racks from other people.

Additionally/alternatively, return multiple pages of similar racks...I'd be happy enough to page through multiple results.

Thank you.
-- danishrancher

For that matter, it would be nice if the 'search similar' would only count one copy of each module. I have a OTool+ on my rack, and the most similar rack is one that has 49 more OTools, I guess we have 50 modules in common the way the script does math...

Basically the feature doesn't work at all, maybe you should just remove it altogether. That would be the easy solution.

-- cg_funk

I saw your post from last year and completely agree...should have referenced or "+1'd" your request as well.
I wouldn't remove it altogether though. I definitely get -some- use out of it...just want it to be even better.