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NerdSEQ Hybrid Tracker Sequencer
The Nerdseq is a advanced tracker based CV and Trigger sequencer module for Eurorack systems.
It consists 6 tracks for the CV/Trigger/MOD generation of 18 outputs. 4 User assignable inputs, clock and reset in/outputs and 2 x 2 sample tracks for sample sequencing, oscillator outputs or 4 Operator FM Synthesizer. The tracker sequencer allows straightforward and fast editing and has great live playing abilities.
They are further many specials like tables, automation, CV and Trigger effects, glide, odd patterns, polyrythmic, shuffle/groove, ratchet, probability, randomization, retrigger, LFO's, Envelopes and much more...
The internal memory allows up to 255 sequencer rows and 176 patterns (up to 64 steps) plus many sub sequences and functions. A SD-Card storage can be used for the samples and to load and save projects, so there is 'endless' space.
Sample sequencing allows sample note-scale play, pitch, backwards, retrigger, Bitcrush, Distortion and more..
Additional expander modules allow for up to 64 additional outputs, Midi In-Out, I2C, Video Output on HDMI or Composite, Input via a PC Keyboard and a Sega Gamepad.
The Nerdseq is a product of XOR Electronics
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