22 HP
38 mm deep
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.

A versatile associative VCA control module with envelope followers, mutes and customisable activation zones.

Functional Features

Envelope Tracking
Seamless envelope following for dynamic audio shaping.

Customizable Activation Zones
Configure zones for nuanced signal processing and advanced control.

Multi-Mode Operation
Select from logaritmic to exponential modes for precise audio response.

Wide CV Range
Handles standard modular voltages, ensuring compatibility with diverse setups.

Flexible Routing
Versatile input and output connections for integrating into any signal chain.

Has a specific Mute button per channel.

submitted Nov 25th, 23:37 by jmveramaiquez | last Change Nov 25th, 23:39 by jmveramaiquez
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