44 HP
37 mm deep
Current Draw
58 mA +12V
58 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$375 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer


MFE 303 consists of 3 Steiner-Parker filter units including resonators, light overdrive input amplifiers, 1 subsequent 3-channel equalizer and an audio summing mixer.
It is ergonomically optimized for live performance.
The core of each filter section is based on the legendary Steiner-Parker filter, with its hard and precise sound. In intensive experimental studies, we were able to modify the difficulties of uncontrolled self-oscillation and the too loudly screaming resonance feedback area to such an extent that they became unique musical filter sections. Each filter channel can be controlled using a potentiometer or CV inputs. Incoming audio material is routed to all filter channels if required, so that the module can also be used excellently for stereo filtering. The sound of the Steiner-Parker filter units is really extraordinary.
The fully analog equalizer is based on a circuit from the early 80s and consists of
Treble band (shelf characteristic)
Middle band (bell characteristic)
Depth band (shelf characteristic)
In addition to the filter inputs, the EQ has 2 separate audio inputs.


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submitted Aug 6th 2021, 09:17 by Stompfunkcompany | last Change Dec 15th 2021, 09:28 by Stompfunkcompany

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