9 HP
22 mm deep

Module is a 1U tile in Intellijel format

Current Draw
Module does not draw current
$18 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual Passive Half Wave Rectifier

Siam Modular's diode rectifier now in 1U. Each of the two gates has one input and two outputs. Assuming an AC signal at the input, the first +ve out will output only the positive part of the original signal. Conversely the -ve out will output any negative voltage parts of the signal. Note that there is a drop of approximately 0.3V.

You can actually use the 2HWR in reverse. Using the OUTs as INs and the IN as an OUT will rectify both signals then sum them together. In this use case note that the +ve and -ve labels are reversed so the +ve IN will send the negative part of the signal to be summed and vice versa.

9HP module, supplied with 1HP blank panel.


submitted Dec 28th 2024, 12:52 by Bobfries | last Change Today, 11:35 by Bobfries
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