6 HP
Current Draw
23 mA +12V
18 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$180 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

An expressive button similar to the one on an Ondes Martenot

The Softwire Synthesis Press is an expressive button/pressure controller for routing CV in an expressive way. It takes inspiration from instruments like the Ondes Martenot, Therevox & the Analogue Systems French Connection & lets you have that same touch expression in your eurorack system.

From top to bottom:

  • Signal input and signal output for channel A.
    Channel A is normalled to internal voltage source.

  • Signal input and signal output for channel B.
    Channel B is normalled to channel A input signal.

  • Thru input.
    This is summed with the outputs of channels A and B.

  • Gate output.
    This goes high when channel A output is high. Threshold is 1.2V

  • Bi-polar signal and gate indicator LEDs for channel A, B, and Gate respectively.

  • Offset switch
    Selects the offset voltage (5V or 10V) connected to inputs A and B.

  • Fade switch
    Selects between Fade or Crossfade modes. In Crossfade mode channel B is inverted.

  • Pressure controller.


submitted Apr 3rd 2019, 10:02 by ParanormalPatroler | last Change Sep 22nd 2022, 17:21 by Nantonos

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