8 HP
28 mm deep
Current Draw
36 mA +12V
36 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$220 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Attenuverting Matrix Mixer

This is a DC-coupled attenuverting matrix mixer featuring four input channels and three output channels. Each knob serves to attenuate and invert the signal from its respective input, directing it to the corresponding output. The knobs are set to zero at the 12 o’clock position. Turning the knobs clockwise adds the original signal to the mix, while turning them counterclockwise adds an inverted signal to the mix.This module can be used to mix both control voltage (CV) and audio signals.

MATRIX is an updated version of our classic MIX43. The biggest change is the footprint which now only takes 8hp from your precious rack space. And yet it’s still ergonomical, so basically it’s just a great improvement.


submitted Sep 20th 2024, 17:51 by SEOK | last Change Mar 8th, 17:48 by SEOK