10 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
100 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$229 Price in €

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a-side/b-side digital oscillator

dizygote is an a-side/b-side digital oscillator with a built-in envelope generator. the a-side builds harmonies with a square waveform and frequency modulation. the b-side distorts a sine waveform with phase modulation.


trig - button and gate in to trigger oscillator amplitude envelopes
switch - button and gate in for toggling between the a and b sides
length - knob and cv in for changing the envelope length
mod - knob and cv in for changing the phase and fm modulation amounts
mfreq - knob and cv in for changing the phase and fm modulation frequencies
freq - knob for setting the oscillator frequency
v/oct - voltage per octave cv for modulating the oscillator frequency


out l and out r - audio output
env - cv envelope out

submitted May 14th 2022, 18:48 by chrisfromwork | last Change Jan 7th 2023, 16:07 by pugix

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