Power Consumption: 11116 mA +12V | 5218 mA -12V | 2380 mA 5V | Depth: 65 mm | Price: $37,325 | Number of Modules: 243 | Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: Rotating Audio Recorder, Clouds (Runes), Ikerion BoriTech Envelope Generator, Ikerion Goodness, Ikerion Dual VCS, AKAI synth station 25 MOD, DSQ-1 – Korg SQ-1 Sequencer Eurorack Mounting Frame, Gate Inverter 4x, Blazing Baton, Ikerion Analog 3340 VCO, Ikerion Edges (MI Clone), Ikerion Envelope Follower, Ikerion - 8 Step