Power Consumption: 14001 mA +12V
| 5822 mA -12V | 201 mA 5V
Depth: 60 mm |
Price: $44,409 |
Number of Modules: 515
| Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: Bard 2, Taiko, A-121s, Jumble Henge, Juniper, Echoz, BD, SSG, Delta-V, CM-blind, Ephemere, WaveF, OCP X, Blackbox, A-135-2+3, Z-DSP, ModSeq, Frigg, Stolperbeats-Constellation, Tap LFO, Teleport, Ashiko, Squid, Matrix-Benjolin, Cluster, Night Rider, TouchMyCunt, Basil, Subway, cDVCA, Operat, Blank, Orion, Librae, Triptych, Visualiser, Ultra Random Redux, Particles, Neo Trinity, V-Mutes, Black Delay, Vortices, V-CV, Mimix, Pizza, Grainity, Hermod, refiner, T12, rabbithole, ResonantEQ, Gamut Repetitor, GateTrigger, Multifilter, Gin, Impulse Dynamics, Triple Sloth, Dual LFO, Permutation, benjoli, Morcom, Opp Ned, B32, DXG, FXAid Pro, rndstep, Tweaker, Scanned, Marbles, Warna, Looping Sampler, PerfMXR, MiniPEG, Zephyr, Basilmus, Sampler, Cosmix, cLFO, E560, Matrix, Planar2, cornflakes, Catalyst2, Catalyst1, Manic, Disting EX, MixSwitch, MM, Mopho, Noise, Turmoil, F8R, supamix, Wyvern, fbex, ampla