This Rack does not exist anymore.


On Grid since April 11th, 2013

My Offers on the Marketplace

Module Region Price
Pressure Points UK £145.00 
Endless Processor (both panels) UK £210.00 
Afterneath UK £140.00 

User Rating

This user rating is intended to make transactions on the marketplace more trustworthy. If you had a positive or negative experience either as a buyer or seller you can give bliss000 a thumbs up or down.

bliss000 was rated positive by thrace, hallaig, LazyCircuits, meeteverysituation, girlJD and SEAN007

Rated Modules

This User rated 40 modules.

Ensemble Oscillator (5), Prism (5), nanoRings (5), Monsoon (5), FX AID_black (5), Vortices (5), Pressure Points (5), A-106-5 SEM (5), A-150 (5), A-140 (5), Data Bender (5), A-108 (5), A-133 (5), A-145 (5), 4x Stereo Mix_black (5), A-148 (5), A-161 (5), A-160-1 (5), Morphagene (4), A-101-1 (4), A-114 (4), Foundation Oscillator (4), A-143-9 (4), A-138a (4), A-110 (4), A-118-1 (4), A-170 (4), A-121 (Discontinued) (4), A-101-2 (4), A-131 (3), A-180-1 (3), A-190-1 (3), A-120 (3), A-136 (3), A-130 (3), A-125 (3), A-116 (2), A-138b (2), A-115 (2) and A-143-2 (2)
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