00X06 Mosstone

00X06 Mosstone

0X1 PP placeholder

0X1 PP placeholder

0X1 PSD clocking

0X1 PSD clocking

0X2 PSD mix stage

0X2 PSD mix stage

0X3 PSD output stage

0X3 PSD output stage

0x0 incoming

0x0 incoming

01 PSD slothtone

01 PSD slothtone



03 PSD trogotone

03 PSD trogotone

04 PSD софия

04 PSD софия

05 PSD elements

05 PSD elements

06 PSD chiptone

06 PSD chiptone

06 PSD ghost bush

06 PSD ghost bush

06 PSD olegtone

06 PSD olegtone

06 PSD placeholder

06 PSD placeholder

11 video to be

11 video to be

13 synesthesia CF

13 synesthesia CF

NMD tour bag into 2 small boxes

NMD tour bag into 2 small boxes

zz AxN pedals

zz AxN pedals