Berlin : Case 1 - dance minus eloquencer - Case 2 - Movies and Live shows

Berlin  : Case 1 - dance minus eloquencer - Case 2 - Movies and Live shows

Berlin Configuration - Eloquencer - minus mother

Berlin Configuration - Eloquencer - minus mother

Cocoon Configuration 2

Cocoon Configuration 2

Metrop 2025a -= w gran

Metrop 2025a -= w gran

Metrop 2025a -= w teleharm

Metrop 2025a -= w teleharm

Metrop 2025a -= w teleharm - adsr split

Metrop 2025a -= w teleharm - adsr split

Metrop 2025a -= w teleharm - adsr split - loquetic

Metrop 2025a -= w teleharm - adsr split - loquetic

Metrop 2025b - Teleharm, Nebula, Loquetic

Metrop 2025b - Teleharm, Nebula, Loquetic

Metrop 2025c- Teleharm, Nebula, Loquetic , magneto looper

Metrop 2025c- Teleharm, Nebula, Loquetic , magneto looper

Metrop 2025d - Teleharm, Nebula, Loquetic

Metrop 2025d - Teleharm, Nebula, Loquetic

Metrop 2025e - Pons LFO-ENV, Nebula, Loquetic

Metrop 2025e - Pons LFO-ENV, Nebula, Loquetic

Neulant and Dance configuration (filters handy)

Neulant and Dance configuration (filters handy)

Radio Coffee Show - pitt and intellijel

Radio Coffee Show - pitt and intellijel