My sickly Eurorack

My sickly Eurorack

The TINy - Turbo Tambourine Youtube 48HP

The TINy - Turbo Tambourine Youtube 48HP

Very good Rack, IHOR YT Hypo techno

Very good Rack, IHOR YT Hypo techno

rudeEsonic Tiny! 1st Build

rudeEsonic Tiny! 1st Build

where is should begin

where is should begin

z SURCO 6U 84HP Techno Performance Case OXI (copied from eturner88) (copied from Ubass) (copied from ttrev2k)

z SURCO 6U 84HP Techno Performance Case OXI (copied from eturner88) (copied from Ubass) (copied from ttrev2k)