112hp Nifty and 126hp case and 60hp Taiga case

112hp Nifty and 126hp case and 60hp Taiga case

112hp Nifty and 126hp case and 60hp Taiga case - 6x Mnevis oscs

112hp Nifty and 126hp case and 60hp Taiga case - 6x Mnevis oscs

New synth for Dad (Elmyra 2 plus existing modules)

New synth for Dad (Elmyra 2 plus existing modules)

New synth for Dad (Moog case: Elmyra 2 plus Kassutronics voice)

New synth for Dad (Moog case: Elmyra 2 plus Kassutronics voice)

New synth for Dad (Pressure Points + existing modules)

New synth for Dad (Pressure Points + existing modules)

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 3, hocket to Medusa 4x OSC w SEM filter (2 voice or 2x2 voice)

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 3, hocket to Medusa 4x OSC w SEM filter (2 voice or 2x2 voice)

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 4, hocket to Medusa 4x OSC w SEM filter (copy)

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 4, hocket to Medusa 4x OSC w SEM filter (copy)

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 5, hocket to Medusa+Elmyra, Elmyra+1 voice to play

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 5, hocket to Medusa+Elmyra, Elmyra+1 voice to play

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 6 - try DIY slew+LPG w existing modules

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 6 - try DIY slew+LPG w existing modules

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 7, Taiga+1 - Catwalk or ext passive LPGs, ATTs?

Nifty w MIDI to ext Erebus 7, Taiga+1 - Catwalk or ext passive LPGs, ATTs?