Full mantis legit (copy)

Full mantis legit (copy)

Full mantis legit for really real

Full mantis legit for really real

Full mantis legit for really real (copy)

Full mantis legit for really real (copy)

Full mantis legit if I change nautilus and chord

Full mantis legit if I change nautilus and chord

If I build 1 more rack

If I build 1 more rack

If I build 1 more rack (copy)

If I build 1 more rack (copy)

My trading toward Eurorack

My trading toward Eurorack

goal by summer 2025 because i traded a bunch of modules for a octatrack

goal by summer 2025 because i traded a bunch of modules for a octatrack

here and now because i traded for a octatrack

here and now because i traded for a octatrack

if i built another mantis rack legit

if i built another mantis rack legit