*ALM System Coupe Variation with sequencer

*ALM System Coupe Variation with sequencer

*Drum Controller

*Drum Controller



*Experimental Rack Destruction (ERD)

*Experimental Rack Destruction (ERD)



*Nerd Microsound Tape Machine with Chaos and Texture Engine Alt (current)

*Nerd Microsound Tape Machine with Chaos and Texture Engine Alt (current)

*Noise Peddler

*Noise Peddler

*Overflow Pod Verb

*Overflow Pod Verb

*Sliders case

*Sliders case

*Stack Overflow

*Stack Overflow

*Stereo pedals

*Stereo pedals



ALM System Coupe Variation

ALM System Coupe Variation

ALM System Coupe Variation (Pure Squid)

ALM System Coupe Variation (Pure Squid)

Beat Augmenter

Beat Augmenter



Controller with voice

Controller with voice

Drum Controller (copy)

Drum Controller (copy)

Drum Sequencer

Drum Sequencer



Eaganmatrix box

Eaganmatrix box

Eaganmatrix box (copy)

Eaganmatrix box (copy)

Experimental Rack

Experimental Rack

Experimental Rack Destruction (ERD) (copy)

Experimental Rack Destruction (ERD) (copy)

Extra Voices

Extra Voices

Nerd Microsound Tape Machine with Chaos and Texture Engine

Nerd Microsound Tape Machine with Chaos and Texture Engine

Nerd Microsound Tape Machine with Chaos and Texture Engine Alt

Nerd Microsound Tape Machine with Chaos and Texture Engine Alt

Noise box

Noise box

Overflow Pod

Overflow Pod

Spectraphone Transmission

Spectraphone Transmission

Tetragrid Pod

Tetragrid Pod