A Very Realistic and Achievable Rig That I Can Accomplish (DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS)

A Very Realistic and Achievable Rig That I Can Accomplish (DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS)

Don Buchla's Severed Penis (243% MORE ESTROGEN)

Don Buchla's Severed Penis (243% MORE ESTROGEN)

I am responsible for the NATO strikes in Serbia. I also made Belgrad commit the cleansings. I am evil.

I am responsible for the NATO strikes in Serbia. I also made Belgrad commit the cleansings. I am evil.

I am the Cum Terrorist

I am the Cum Terrorist

Keeping dead hookers in the dishwasher is unsanitary.

Keeping dead hookers in the dishwasher is unsanitary.

Kids don't deserve human rights.

Kids don't deserve human rights.

Mutable Instruments has never made a good module.

Mutable Instruments has never made a good module.

The Only Pedalboard You Need

The Only Pedalboard You Need

Tickle my Pickle for Nickels with a Sickle and Make It Trickle and Smiggle

Tickle my Pickle for Nickels with a Sickle and Make It Trickle and Smiggle

You have no real arguments, do you? Just made-up cope from Losers like you. I bet you don't even have a foreskin, do you? (Feedbacker rig)

You have no real arguments, do you? Just made-up cope from Losers like you. I bet you don't even have a foreskin, do you? (Feedbacker rig)