84 downsize

84 downsize

84 hp doepfer 4 row current

84 hp doepfer 4 row current

84 hp doepfer 4 row new Buchla with mixer

84 hp doepfer 4 row new Buchla with mixer

104 downsize

104 downsize

104 hp 4 row current (copy)

104 hp 4 row current (copy)

Bills submix

Bills submix

Effect rack for new Buchla setup

Effect rack for new Buchla setup



My unwrapped Eurorack

My unwrapped Eurorack

Small setup for ableton

Small setup for ableton

control rack (Buchla)

control rack (Buchla)

larger Buchla

larger Buchla

marcs case

marcs case

performance case drum rack

performance case drum rack

performance case drum rack (copy)

performance case drum rack (copy)

to sell

to sell