6 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
25 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$89 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Dual Low Frequency Oscillator

A utility dual LFO module. The module uses two different types of low frequency oscillator circuits to provide a variety of modulation options.

LFO 1 (top of module)
A triangle based low frequency oscillator that utilizes FREQUENCY and SHAPE controls to generate shifting waveforms. Adjusting the SHAPE control varies the shape of the SHAPE output from sawtooth (full left) to triangle (12 o'clock) to ramp (full right) and also adjusts the pulse width of the PULSE output.

LFO 2 (bottom of module)
A simple triangle based low frequency oscillator with FREQUENCY knob and RANGE switch to control the frequency of the TRIANGLE and SQUARE outputs.


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submitted Jun 7th 2015, 05:06 by CitizenKlaus | last Change Oct 20th 2020, 21:55 by mode_analogue

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