6 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
44 mA +12V
19 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$199 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Voltage Controlled Analog Delay

There is no need to over-complicate a beautiful sounding delay.

Based on the circuit created for the Voltage Lab synthesizer voice, the Analog Delay Unit is a finely tuned effects unit designed to enhance the source material by adding depth and warmth. This module utilizes a pair of 4,096 stage BBD chips to produce a voltage controllable analog delay signal ranging from 16ms to 340ms. Starting with a single echo, a custom feedback circuit allows the repeats to remain clean and stable until reaching self-oscillation.


Ø 4.17 (6 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Dec 3rd 2019, 22:00 by amphonic | last Change Feb 1st, 20:57 by unitard

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Three Wave MusicPerfect CircuitControlDetroit Modular


Found Sound


Moog Audio

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?