12 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$150 Price in €

No info about availability.

Xanu Mini-Sequ

12hp 8-step CV and Gate sequencer.

The Mini-Sequencer has proven to be a somewhat highly anticipated module, at least according to various polls we've taken. And now, it's here!!

What it is is a simple, small 12hp 8-step analogue sequencer with a ton of usefulness.

Each step has three parts: a switch, a knob, and an LED. The switch determines if that step is on, off (note that this does not skip the step, simply mutes it), or resets the sequencer. The knob sets the output voltage, up to +5V. The LED shows which step is currently active.

On the side of the module there are 6 jacks and a knob:

-The knob controls overall sequencer speed.
-The Clock input (CLK-IN) allows you to use an external clock signal instead of the internal one.
-The Thru jack outputs either the internal clock signal or the external clock input, depending on if an external input is used or not.
-The reset input is a way to externally reset the sequencer.
-The Tran input is a voltage input used for transposing the sequencer. It responds to any voltage, so microtonal transposing is just as easy as octave switching or whatever else you may want to do.
-CV is the output for the knob-set CVs.
-The Gate output is a hidden gem; it outputs a gate signal for each step. On this model the gate time is set internally to about 90%.

NOTE: This and all other Xanu modules will not be available for sale until late 2015.

submitted Sep 10th 2014, 21:21 by AvaTai | last Change Dec 21st 2018, 17:26 by AvaTai
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