Drum Synthesizer
"Matter" is drum wave synthesis. While it could simply be called a drum synthesizer, the method of play is designed equally as much to make the analog drum-based synthesis playable as waves as it is to make triggerable drum sounds. This means Matter can take a "kick" oscillator, for example, and use it to generate a bassline, a "snare" can create washes of noise with peaking resonance and so on. This allows for a very broad complexity of rhythm because triggering is not confined to a single point. That said, this module specializes in clicks and cuts style beats.
Matter is also very capable of generating complex drone and rich synthesis and does not need to be used as a drum synth at all. It utilizes the same analog synthesis as Materia which means it also works with aspects of deductive synthesis where noise and sound is "patched out".
Like most future Eurorack modules by Folktek, Matter utilizes an onboard patch system with its own patch cables (supplied). The purpose for this is to allow for more possibility while keeping things compact. With future add-ons, use of the patchbay will be optional. In this case, Matter has two primary patchbays (1-10 and (incorrectly labeled) 11-20) which represent controllable access points within the circuitry for cv or gate signals to be applied (Each cv input has an led for voltage visualization). 20 access points each doubled for stacking input or creating direct patches. A total of 8 cv input jacks are jumpered by the player to the main patchbay to generate sound. Hard patches (direct point to point) can be used to create layers. Each cv input is represented by two jumper points (one direct from cv and one post-diode), so optionally triggered points don't need to mingle and a cv input can trigger two points simultaneously without the two triggering each other. The diode also limits voltage levels so there are times when a direct patch doesn't work but a patch post-diode will create changes in the sound or generate new sound.
Because the inputs are jumperable, they can also be used in a variety of different ways other than direct cv triggering.
= Sound can be sent in to the Matter circuitry where it uses some of the pathways of filtration and distortion.
= The jumpers can be used to multiply jacks - send a cv or audio input to one 3.5mm jack and jumper to another.
= External audio or cv signals can be jumpered through the modulation.
Aside from the primary synthesis, Matter also has vactrol-based sine modulation which can be used in a number of ways;
External audio can be patched into "mod trig cv" which sends the audio through the vactrol modulation. That audio can then be jumpered into the circuitry where it will be filtered, distorted or effected in any number of ways. Or, for a clean modulation the audio can be jumpered to another jack and output.
Matter audio output can be sent through the modulation and jumpered to a new jack. That jack can be jumpered to another jack to create multiple outputs.
External cv can be patched to the same jack and jumpered to the main patchbay to have a modulated cv signal activating the synthesis. Or likewise, the cv signal can be jumpered to a jack to simply pass through the vactrol modulation. Modulation has speed control, cv speed, input ("mod trig cv") and cv out.