12 HP
61 mm deep
Current Draw
65 mA +12V
65 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$300 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Dual VC-quadrant multiplier with wavefolding (and more)

This is a dual adjustable-quadrant multiplier, with output POLARITY switches, voltage-controlled QUADRANT (from -2 to 4 to +2), SQUISH circuits, and output amplitude LIMIT switches.

If you are familiar with the old Intellijel uMod, then you will understand what this module does. It is essentially two independent uMods, with the same POLARITY switch functions and input signal attenuators.

However, unlike the uMod, on the Delta Quadrant, the QUADRANT can be put under voltage control.

Also, each channel has a SQUISH option, with adjustable amounts. The SQUISH is a wavefolder that made its first appearance on the Rubicon 2. Here, I've added adjustability, because full-on SQUISH is literally insane.

Also, I've added LIMIT switches to each channel. This is because, without limiting, morphing from 4-quadrant multiplication to 2-quadrant multiplication causes the amplitude of the output signal to grow -- for example, if the 4-quadrant signal is roughly 10Vpp, the 2-quadrant signal will be about 15 or 16Vpp. When the LIMIT switch is engaged, the output will be limited to a constant magnitude, so if 4-Q is 10Vpp, then 2-Q will also be 10Vpp, and so will everything in between.

Finally, the output of the A side is normalled to the input of the B side, so you can get double multiplication from the B output without any extra patching. This can make things quite complicated.

In short, this thing is an AM beast that can do everything from subtle warbling to growling chaos.


submitted Jul 15th, 11:31 by endub | last Change Wednesday July 24, 18:28 by Hikove
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